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TCID Informative Podcast

In Spring of 2022, I worked as part of a team on an informative podcast for UCCS's TCID department. I worked with fellow teammates to develop a script, outline a project schedule, deliver research reports to our professor, and record the final product, which you can listen to below.

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UCCS Website UX Testing

In Fall of 2022, I was given the opportunity to perform usability testing for the UCCS website as part of my final project for my UX research methods class. One of the responsibilities on my team, was to go through the usability test script with users. It was my duty to properly explain the test, scenarios, and tasks to our test users as they navigated the website.

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OfficeMax Print Specialist

I worked as a print specialist for OfficeMax for over a year. For most of my employment, I was one of only two members of that department, and often had to communicate with members of other departments who were temporarily drafted over to my department to help with print orders. This required me to quickly and concisely explain complex software to a wide range of fellow employees in order to facility the timely completion of print orders.

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